Staff Writer | Palladium - Feb 21 2019
The Missing Link: Connecting International Capital Markets with Sustainable Landscape Investments

Why is capital not flowing at scale to sustainable landscape investments? What is ‘the missing link’ between institutional capital and landscape projects in emerging markets?

The objective of this study is to build the business case for institutional investors to allocate more funding to benefit the landscape in emerging markets. The study also outlines roles that the government and non-profits can play to catalyse these types of investments, and provides practical examples of investment vehicles that adhere to the landscape approach for new investment managers and investors.

The ‘landscape approach’ considers all the different ecological functions, human values, and needs in a landscape and integrates them to achieve multiple objectives at the same time. This approach is increasingly considered to be an effective method to balance competing demands for space and to successfully integrate agricultural production, nature conservation and livelihood enhancement. It also offers a new approach for investors to combine economic interests with social and environmental criteria holistically.

Competition for, as well as overexploitation of, landscape resources have led to the deterioration of resources and shortage of supply, leading to increased production costs and reduced profits. Investors have realized that aligning investments with social and environmental criteria can strengthen reputation, reduce risks, and increase financial, social, and environmental performance.

Click DOWNLOAD to read the full report. 

The attached report was written by Enclude for the Platform Biodiversity, Ecosystems and Economy (BEE) a public-private partnership with the aim of greening the Dutch economy, initiated by the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (VNO-NCW) and the Dutch Committee of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN NL), and funded by the ‘Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland’ (RVO) of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. Enclude was acquired by Palladium in 2018.