Palladium RFP - Agribusiness Loans Portfolio Case Study

Palladium is looking for an expert to conduct a case study on at least three of its partner Financial Institutions to achieve the following objectives: (1) To estimate the size and growth of their agribusiness loan portfolios and (2) to determine how the composition of their lending has evolved over time with the support of Mobilizing Finance for Agriculture (MFA). The case study will specifically investigate changes in lending to various agribusinesses, including those led by women and youth. Additionally, the examination will cover aspects such as loan portfolio quality and other key performance indicators.

The expert will explore optimal methods for reclassifying agribusiness loans, extending the categorization beyond production to encompass various value chain activities. The goal is to formulate a methodology for estimating the size of agribusiness loan portfolios, which will be applied in the Year 5 end of project assessment across MFA's entire partner financial institutions network. The evaluation will determine MFA’s macro-level impact on partner financial institutions. The expert will review 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 calendar year data. Data from 2020 will serve as comparison or baseline data.



Closing date:
5 July 2024