Delta Dental of Kansas is a not-for-profit dental service corporation that provides underwriting and administration of dental benefits to employer groups, associations and unions that have headquarters in Kansas. Founded in 1972, Delta Dental is the largest dental benefits provider in the state, serving more than 700,000 enrollees and their families. It is a member of Delta Dental Plans Association, a system of nationwide dental service plans that serve more than 40 million Americans and represent more than $12 billion in revenue, collectively holding about 30 percent of the nation’s dental benefits market share. According to Linda Brantner, Interim President and CEO: “The Balanced Scorecard has made it possible for Delta Dental of Kansas to clearly define our strategy, communicate the strategy to both our employees and board of directors, align our initiatives to the strategy and see breakthrough results as the outcome. We implemented the BSC throughout our organization in 2002. Since that time our revenues have more than doubled, the operating expense ratio has dropped from 10.3 percent to 8 percent and our book of business has increased over 50 percent. Despite turnover in the CEO position since implementation, we have continued to move forward and reach impressive results because the BSC allowed our company to remain focused on our strategic direction... The BSC has helped to foster a culture of customer service excellence which is the hallmark of our reputation in the group dental benefits market.”