New Brunswick Power Group
Announcement Excerpt:

New Brunswick Power Group, a regulated monopoly owned by the Province of New Brunswick, provides hydro, oil, coal, diesel, and nuclear power to 375,000 customers in Atlantic Canada. The company has annual sales of $1.5 billion and employs 2,700 in a unionized environment (90% of employees are union members). Under the leadership of a new CEO in 2004, the company committed to becoming a Strategy-Focused Organization to deliver safe, reliable, cost-effective service while reducing upward pressure on rates. “Like many best practice organizations, we implemented an Office of Strategy Management to enhance our ability to execute strategy,” says David D. Hay, President and CEO. “Management teams are having the right discussions at the right time to make better decisions. Our success, in spite of many challenges, can be attributed in part to the focus and alignment created by the BSC philosophy of management.”